LAN Screen + Audio sharing

This is my conf to stream my Linux desktop screen in my apartment using VLC.

Server side

The vlm configuration

It captures my left screen and audio from pulseaudio. Video is encoded with X264 tuned for zerolatency. Audio is encoded in MP3. The element streams are encapsulated in a Transport Stream over RTSP.


new Remote vod
setup Remote input screen://
setup Remote option screen-fps=25
setup Remote option screen-caching=50
setup Remote option screen-top=0
setup Remote option screen-left=0
setup Remote option screen-width=1280
setup Remote option screen-height=1024
setup Remote option input-slave=pulse://
setup Remote option sout-udp-caching=50
setup Remote option udp-caching=50
setup Remote option rtsp-caching=50
setup Remote option tcp-caching=50
setup Remote output #transcode{vcodec=h264,venc=x264{tune=zerolatency,crf=30},acodec=mp3,ab=128}:rtp{mux=ts,description='screen',sdp=rtsp://:8888/remote.sdp}

setup Remote enabled

# extra venc option
# extra scaling
# extra output format

 The VLC command line

cvlc --ttl 2 -vvv --color --vlm-conf screen.vlm

Client Side

The VLC command line

vlc rtsp://localhost:8888/remote.sdp